Friday, July 15, 2016

Boredom Is As Boredom Does

Ah blah...


THE condition of my life

My friend says,
"Only clever people get bored"...
I don't find any comfort in that saying

I wrote a post back in 2014 about boredom:
"My boredom doesn't stem from inactivity,
It stems from abandoning what is important to me"


I need to read my own shit more often

Right now my boredom tells me that
Life as it is, is not what I want

There's a deep sense of dissatisfaction
In my boredom

A feeling of "Not good enough"
Prevails in my existence

I find it tragic that I'm
Extremely fortunate in many ways
And still find shit to be bored about

I feel that what is fundamentally
Important to me is to 

To birth ideas;
To bring inspiration into existence;
To show my Self to the world;
To find a connection to the physical realm

The acknowledgement that I've
Abandoned what is important to me
Is actually painful

It means I've abandoned
The most precious part of who I am

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